Monday, May 9, 2011

The Power of Words

"Ah, not in knowledge is happiness, but in the acquisition of knowledge! In forever knowing, we are forever blessed; but to know all, were the curse of a fiend." -Edgar Allan Poe, "The Power of Words"

Many people who know me well may call me "nosy." I have an insatiable curiosity about most things, and ask question after question of people I come in contact with. Why does this have to be a bad thing? It just seems that the more I find out, the more questions I have. Is that so wrong?
Since leaving college in 2002, I have begun to miss the action of "learning." Our brains are amazing gifts that God has given us. Why not capitalize on that and FILL THEM!? Ask questions. Read books. Wear out that Google bar. Be happy in "the acquisition of knowledge!"


  1. Haha! Nerd with Opinions--love it! Yay now we can be blogging buddies:) Looking forward to many informative posts. Love ya!
